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Our philosophy is EMPOWERMENT. We believe that all individuals should be able to protect themselves in all situations.  We are here to provide the skills and knowledge needed to empower and build your confidence.


We work to help you to feel safe and protect your family whether at home or away.


Together we can make a better future for our children.

Stop the Bleeding was founded upon the philosphy of empowerment. Our founder has a back ground in EMS and law enforcement and noticed that in many situations if a victim  had the proper knowledge and skills many situations could have been avoided.  He decided that he would find a way to provide the public with this valuable service. Out of this came Stop the Bleeding where you can acquire the knowledge to be prepared with our first aid and firearms training.


We believe in giving you the knowledge to be prepared for almost anything.  Our courses are taught by certified instructors and assistants.  Our instuctors come from many different fields and life styles, however, each one of our instructors has real world experience.  From retired law enforcement to emergency services and emergency room personnel, we are all here to help you and build your confidence.

Right now we are in our beginning stages. We have plans to add multiple courses. Our goal for the future at this point it to provide each course once monthly and increase as needs reveal.  Within the next 5 years we are also looking to open our own training site consisting of a training facility and shooting range in eastern PA.


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